

During the 20th International Conference of Image Analisys and Processing (ICIAP) held in Trento, the VRAI lab have organized the first edition of the Workshop entitled DEEPRETAIL, focused on deep understanding shopper behaviours and interactions in intelligent retail environments. Many partecipants attended the workshop among researchers and companies.

More info at http://deepretail.dii.univpm.it/

Cambiamento: potenziale, reale, digitale @ Genova

Si è svolto presso la Camera di Commercio di Genova un l'incontro dal titolo Cambiamento: potenziale, reale, digitale. Perché non possiamo scegliere se sfruttarlo o ignorarlo. Cambiare continuamente è uno stress inevitabile cui siamo costretti oppure è un'opportunità per riscoprire il vero compito di chi lavora e fa impresa?

GRUPPO NAZIONALE DI BIOINGEGNERIA: “Advanced bioengineering methods, technologies and tools in surgery and therapy”

Sara Moccia, from the VRAI Lab, was an invited speaker at XXXVIII Annual School of Bioengineering in Brixen. 
Her talk dealt with images/patient/robot registration and surgical navigation.

Digital Water City EU project

16-18 September 2019, Berlin: Official kick off of Digital Water City EU project (https://www.digital-water.city/) with five main EU cities and 18 digital solutions for water value chains- Berlin, Paris, Copenhagen, Milan and Sofia. UNIVPM has an important role to develop digital solution for smart irrigation, serious gaming and other relevant topics. The SIMAU and DII departments of UNIVPM are involved (in the picture from the left to right: Dr. Enrico Marinelli (SIMAU), Dr. Adriano Mancini (DII), Prof. Francesco Fatone (SIMAU)).

Preterm infants’ limb-pose estimation from depth images using convolutional neural networks @CIBCB conference

Lucia Migliorelli from the VRAILab presents a work dealing with preterm infants' limb-pose estimation from depth images with Convolutional Neural Netoworks at the 16th IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in Siena. 

International Symposium on Consumer Technologies @ Ancona

Dr Sara Moccia, PhD students Massimo Martini, Alessandro Ferri and Lucia Migliorelli attended the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Technologies (ISCT), that took place in Ancona, Italy on 19th-21st June 2019. ISCT is the established forum for innovative research in all technology areas of consumer electronics.

They presented the following contributions:

Deep Learning for Computer Vision Applications @ Univpm


Il 23 Maggio presso l'Università Politecnica delle Marche si terrà un interessante workshop dal titolo DEEP LEARNING FOR COMPUTER VISION APPLICATIONS tenuto da Lorenzo Baraldi, Guido Borghi e Marcella Cornia, ricercatori dell'AImage Lab dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.

Maggiori dettagli nella locandina dell'evento.


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