
KUM! Festival

PhD student Chiara Calamanti attended at KUM! FESTIVAL - Curare, Educare, Governare, (Mole Vanvitelliana di Ancona, 2017) held between the 10th and the 12th of November 2017 in the city of Ancona in Italy. 
The event was dedicated to the "care", in particular, one session "KUM LAB" was reserved to the most innovative research in the field of health and well-being, that are developing in the region of Marche, regards access to the European Regional Development Fund (Por Fesr 2014-2020). 

Industria Marchigiana 4.0: Testimonianze d'impresa

Il 25 settembre alla Mole Vanvitelliana di Ancona si è svolta una anteprima del Forum Meccatronica (in programma il 26 settembre). E' stata l’occasione per confrontarsi con interlocutori nazionali ed internazionali sullo stato dell’arte e l’evoluzione degli scenari dell’Industry 4.0 delle piccole e medie imprese manifatturiere marchigiane. Sono state presentate le esperienze di importanti realtà produttive del territorio: Benelli, Boxmarche Cobit, Doucal’s, Enke, Grottini, Paradisi, Pieretti, Valetenna, Semar e T-Trade.

SFBE 2017 Summer School @ Davos

Ph.D. student Chiara Calamanti attended at SFBE 2017, Summer School on “Shaping the future of bioengineering” in Davos, (Switzerland) from 10-16 September 2017.

This international Summer School is organized by the Institute of Bioengineering (IBI) of EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne) affiliated to ETH Zurich.

The topics of this Summer School are: Technologies for biomedical application, Synthetic and Systems Biology, Tissue Bioengineering, focusing mainly on innovations in these fields.

ICIAP2017 @ Catania

Prof. Primo Zingaretti attended at ICIAP 2017, the 19th edition of a series of conferences organized biennially by the Italian Member Society (GIRPR) of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). He has presented the following papers:

ECMR2017 @ Paris

Prof. Emanuele Frontoni, Prof. Primo Zingaretti and Marina Paolanti attended at the European Conference on mobile Robotics in Paris, last September 6-8, 2017. They have presented the following papers:


MESA 2017 @ Cleveland

Prof. Emanuele Frontoni, Prof. Primo Zingaretti and Dr. Adriano Mancini attended at ASME IEEE Mesa 2017 - 13th ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic & Embedded Systems & Applications in Cleveland, Ohio - US last August 6-9, 2017. They have presented the following papers:

Doucal's 4.0

Digitalizzare le abilità manuali dell'artigiano calzaturiero per agevolare la formazione dei neoassunti. Ridurre gli errori, ottimizzare la produzione e tramandare la tradizione e le competenze del distretto calzaturiero fermano. Questi gli obiettivi del progetto Doucal's 4.0 promosso dal calzaturificio dei fratelli Giannini in condivisione con due dipartimenti dell'Università Politecnica delle Marche: Ingegneria dell'Informazione, attraverso la collaborazione di Emanuele Frontoni, e Management con il responsabile dell'intero progetto, Mario Pepe.  

DeepLearn2017 @ Bilbao

PhD students Daniele Liciotti and Marina Paolanti attended at DeepLearn2017 International summit and summer school on Deep Learning in Bilbao (Spain) from 17 to 21 July 2017. 

DeepLearn 2017 has been a research training event with a global scope aiming at updating participants about the most recent advances in the critical and fast developing area of deep learning.


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