The general objectives of HIVES are to support the Adriatic area evolution to an innovation friendly and smart ecosystem and to boost research and innovation capacities as well as fostering innovation in SMEs.
Our specific activities at the current stage of the project are:
- Developing a feasibility study concerning the actions included in the EUSAIR Action Plan. The action will promote e feasibility study for promoting an accreditation system that defines the requirements for suppliers, research centers, bearers of skills. The system will define the necessary requirements and a tool for benchmarking experiences. It will also produce an online questionnaire for detection; we, together with lead partner, defined and distributed a first version of questionnaire to gather relevant information on data, services and interoperable capabilities of IPA platforms. NEXT-IS was defined as the lead platform during this first analysis phase of the project.
- Developing synergies thanks to tools, best practices and models already implemented by different projects and partners. To consolidate in an unique Digital Business Ecosystem the operational tools generated by 4 different projects (Zoone, Clusters Club, Ipatech, Next. Each project will feed an unique platform with contents and data on the vertical markets. In this way, the marketplace and sharing space created by HIVES, with classified data just by origin-Country is enriched with views of sectors and vertical markets.
- Cherishing initiative at a greater scale in terms of partnership, area of intervention and priorities, capable of increasing the impact of territorial cooperation on regional and national policies. We’ll coordinate foresight exercises in order to align and integrate the RIS 3 among different regions in the Adriatic Area, providing the overall innovation system of a DSS that can support the integration of regional OP addressing innovation.