Machine Learning
AI for Health @ Microsoft
VRAI Lab is happy to share that our Information Engineering Department (DII) at Università Politecnica delle Marche was granted by Microsoft AI for Health COVID-19 programme with our project aiCOVID19!
We try to join our forces with international researchers worldwide to combat the new coronavirus epidemic and to understand its aftermath.
Info on the Microsoft AI for Health project:
Learning representatons and geometry from unlabelled videos
Giovedì 25 Giugno dalle ore 10:30 alle 13:30 il Prof. Andrea Vedaldi terrà un seminario intitolato "Learning representatons and geometry from unlabelled videos", organizzato con il patrocinio dell'Associazione Italiana per la ricerca in Computer Vision, Pattern recognition e machine Learning (CVPL).
La registrazione è obbligatoria per ottenere il link dell’evento sulla piattaforma Zoom:
Workshop Atlas @ Grenoble
Luca Romeo and Michele Bernardini attended at the Workshop entitled 'Machine Learning Applied to Medical Data', organized by Atlas of GdR MADICS on November 22 in Grenoble. The objective of the workshop is to bring together fellow statisticians, computer scientists, signal and image processors, neuroscientists as well as doctors, biologists and people from the industry.
Workshop: ‘PredPsych’, R toolbox for machine learning @ Genova
Dr. Luca Romeo will present on Tuesday 9th July at Casa Paganini, InfoMus Research Centre, Genova the Workshop entitled: ‘PredPsych’, a R based toolbox for machine learning in experimental psychology.
For more info visit the the official page of the event.
Special issue on "Recognition of Human emotions Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms"
We are pleased to inform you that Dr. Luca Romeo and Dr. Sara Moccia are Guest Editors of a special issue entitled "Recognition of Human Emotions Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms" on AI (ISSN x152-x152), an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on applied research and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) published quarterly online by MDPI.
VRAI @ XXXVIII School of the National Group of Bioengineering (GNB)
This year the VRAI lab @ UNIVPM has been invited to the XXXVIII School of the National Group of Bioengineering (GNB) to give a talk on Images / patient / robot registration and surgical navigation by Prof. Elena De Momi (POLIMI) and Sara Moccia (UNIVPM).
The school, titled "Advanced bioengineering methods, technologies and tools in surgery and therapy", will be held between the 9th and 12th of September in Bressanone (BZ).
International Summer School on Machine Learning
Ph.D. students Annalisa Cenci and Marina Paolanti attended at the INIT/AERFAI Summer School 2015 (International summer school on machine learning) organized by the Institute of New Imaging Technologies (INIT) of the University Jaume I of Castellón, and co-sponsored by the Spanish Association of Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI) in Benicassim (Spain) from 22-26 June 2015.
The focus of this Summer School is to study fundamental and advanced methods aimed to discover new challenges and trends of Machine Learning, DataAnalysis and Data Mining, from theory to practice.