This year the VRAI lab @ UNIVPM has been invited to the XXXVIII School of the National Group of Bioengineering (GNB) to give a talk on Images / patient / robot registration and surgical navigation by Prof. Elena De Momi (POLIMI) and Sara Moccia (UNIVPM).
The school, titled "Advanced bioengineering methods, technologies and tools in surgery and therapy", will be held between the 9th and 12th of September in Bressanone (BZ).
For the first time in the tradition of the GNB School, an idea contest will be introduced with the objective of maximizing the interactions within participants from different groups and with different experiences and backgrounds.
When the students will register to the School, within July 2019, they will select some keywords representing their expertise/research topics. Based on these keywords, the School organizers will divide students in about 20 working groups, which will be communicated to the students before the School starting. These groups will develop a project during the first days of the School to be presented on September 12 morning. The best project(s) will be awarded at the end of the School, on September 12 evening. The evaluation committee will include also researchers from industries and spin-off companies exhibiting on the same day.
More detailed information will follow in the next months.
Looking forward to meet all of you in Bressanone next September!