Her research mainly involves the following topics:
- Machine learning
- Data Analysis
- Data mining
Claudia Norscini was born in Civitanova Marche, Italy, on 8th November, 1987.
In December 2009, she received the B.Sc. degree in Energy Engineering at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna a thesis entitled “Sviluppo di un target per la produzione di Iodio 124 mediante ciclotrone per impiego Biomedico” (supervisor Prof. Mostacci).In June 2012, she received the M.Sc. degree in Energy and Nuclear Engineering at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna with a thesis entitled “Coarse grainig of plasma turbulent transport to recover thermodynamical law” (supervisor Prof. Mostacci) after a six months internship at CEA (Commissariat Energie Atomique) Cadarache, France.
In November 2015, she obtained the PhD in Plasma Physics from University Aix-Marseille with a thesis entitled "Self Organized turbulence transport in fusion plasma " (Advisor Prof. Philippe Ghendrih). From February 2016 to November 2017 she had a post doc position at IPP Plasma Physics institute of Czech Republic.
Currently, she has a post doc position at Università Politecnica delle Marche, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione (DII).