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Filters: Author is Adriano Mancini  [Clear All Filters]
Conference Paper
Zingaretti P, Mancini A, Frontoni E, Monteriù A., Longhi S.  2008.  Autonomous helicopter for surveillance and security. 2007 Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2007. 4:227-234.
Mancini A, Frontoni E, Zingaretti P.  2012.  Automatic road object extraction from Mobile Mapping Systems. Proceedings of 2012 8th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, MESA 2012. :281-286.
Paolanti M, Frontoni E, Mancini A, Pierdicca R, Zingaretti P.  2015.  Automatic Classification for Anti Mixup Events in Advanced Manufacturing System. ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. :V009T07A061–V009T07A061.
Frontoni E, Mancini A, Pierdicca R, Sturari M, Zingaretti P.  2016.  Analysing human movements at mass events: A novel mobile-based management system based on active beacons and AVM. Control and Automation (MED), 2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on. :605–610.
Paolanti M, Bacchiani R.a, Frontoni E, Mancini A, De Leo R.a, Zingaretti P, Bisceglia B.b.  2016.  Accurate modeling of the microwave treatment in reverberating chamber. sanitation of agro food material. Mediterranean Microwave Symposium. 2016-January
Book Chapter
Liciotti D, Frontoni E, Mancini A, Zingaretti P.  2017.  Pervasive System for Consumer Behaviour Analysis in Retail Environments. Video Analytics. Face and Facial Expression Recognition and Audience Measurement. 2
Liciotti D, Paolanti M, Frontoni E, Mancini A, Zingaretti P.  2017.  Person Re-identification Dataset with RGB-D Camera in a Top-View Configuration. Video Analytics. Face and Facial Expression Recognition and Audience Measurement. 1
Liciotti D, Cenci A, Frontoni E, Mancini A, Zingaretti P.  2017.  An Intelligent RGB-D Video System for Bus Passenger Counting. Intelligent Autonomous Systems 14: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference IAS-14. :473–484.
