By marina.paolanti
From 2nd to 5th of February took place in Fermo "Fermhamente - Festival della Scienza".
Univpm and Vrai team have partecipated with workshops, tutorial and educational events.
The festival has supported by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fermo, the Chamber of Commerce, high schools (Istituto “C. Urbani” - Porto S. Elpidio, Isc Nardi - Porto San Giorgio, Istituto professionale “O. Ricci” - Fermo, ITET “Carducci-Galilei” - Fermo, ITT Montani - Fermo, Liceo Artistico “Preziotti-Licini” - Fermo, Liceo Classico “A. Caro” - Fermo, Liceo Scientifico “T.C.Onesti” - Fermo), Conservatorio Pergolesi - Fermo and University of Camerino, University of Macerata, University of Urbino and Università Politecnica delle Marche.