Mobile Robotics & Mechatronics

Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. Our research is mainly focused on the development of intelligent mechatronics and embedded systems (Cyber-physical systems) strongly supported by Artificial Intelligence in aerial, ground and underwater autonomous and Mobile Robotics systems: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (for remote sensing and precision farming); Unmanned Ground Vehicles (for terrestrial exploration); Unmanned Surface Vehicle (for river/lake basin survey and management). Another application field in this area is Ambient Assisted Living, with the two projects HDomo 2.0 “Human Based Domotics 2.0” and H@H "Health @ Home" focused on interoperable embedded intelligent systems using a series of low cost smart sensors to analyze human behaviors.

Contact Person: Adriano Mancini, Primo Zingaretti

Collaborations - Research Centers: Paris Tech (FR), ETHZ (CH), Univ. of Rome La Sapienza (IT)
Collaborations - Companies: 4D Engineering, Apra, SSG, Prioietti, Picchio, Strumedical, Vivisol, Loccioni

Projects: Ambient Assisted Living (HDomo 2.0 “Human Based Domotics 2.0”, H@H “Health @ Home"), IoT, UAV, Precision Farming (AGROBUS-ROSIN EU, Bioceals 4.0)