April 14th, 2015 in Ascoli Piceno, at the Conference Room of Proietti Planet, was presented the project HDOMO 2.0. It is an Ambient Assisted Living project that intercepts the opportunities of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "Horizon 2020".
Marche is the region with a national record for male longevity (mean, 80.4 years) and female longevity (85.4 years): for this reason HDomo was born, a business network that after benefiting from regional funding has decided to go ahead with its plans to the Ambient Assisted Living, thanks to the support in the research departments of the Università Politecnica delle Marche.
At the press conference, after the introduction of Filippo Del Prete, leader of the project and manager of APRA, and Luigi Proietti of Proietti Planet have participated Dr. Emanuele Frontoni, Professor of the Department of Information Engineering of the Università Politecnica Marche, the President of the Camera di Commercio of Ascoli Piceno, Gino Sabatini, the Mayor of Ascoli Piceno, Guido Castelli, Lorena Rossi of INRCA and Giuliano Gabbarini of APRA.