SIMPSoN Dataset

"SocIal Media PictureS News-related" (SIMPSoN) Dataset is a dataset composed by Instagram images. These images are divided into three categories. In particular, it includes:​

  • 3446 images with positive sentiment;
  • 2903 images with neutral sentiment;
  • 2898 images with negative sentiment.

To obtain the ground truth of the collected pictures, the true sentiment has been manually estimated by human annotators, thus providing a more precise and less noisy dataset compared to automatically generated labels from image captions or hashtags. All pictures are annotated with respect to their visual, textual and overall sentiment.

To obtain this dataset, as well as the implementation code, we ask you to complete, sign and return the form below. After that, I will send you the credentials to download it. Note that the dataset is available only for research purposes.

  • Fill out this form: request form
  • Send it to: (Note: you should send the email from an email address that is linked to your research institution/university)
  • Wait for the credentials
  • You will be sent a link for the download.