Cardeto Dataset

Starting from the data collected with the mobile application Cyber Cardeto, .csv file was imported into a standard Sqlite DB, using Python modules for its management.
For the conversion of the coordinates to the appropriate reference system, the Geopy module was adopted, for the planar projection of the GPS data into X,Y coordinates.
We thus obtained the conversion for both GPS tracks and the positions of the beacons in the WGS84 reference system.
Further, to obtain local coordinates, the origin of the system was moved to the left upper part of the map.
A specific class was then defined for populating the DB (using the PeeWee module); in particular, the table containing the positions of the beacons gives each one a distinct ID.  However, for the GPS trajectory, the ID cannot be unique, due to the fact that different devices are being tracked.
The remaining structure of the DB had been fed with time stamps and the sampling times of the tracking, with a threshold of 5 seconds.
To obtain a whole trajectory from the point data, the DB is queried in order to keep all the coordinates of a single device.
Given that GPS data are coarse and that some temporal holes may occur during an individual tracking session of the same device, the threshold used for splitting a trajectory is 80 seconds of absence of transmission.

To obtain this dataset, as well as the implementation code, we ask you to complete, sign and return the form below. After that, I will send you the credentials to download it. Note that the dataset is available only for research purposes.

  • Fill out this formrequest form
  • Send it to: (Note: you should send the email from an email address that is linked to your research institution/university)
  • Wait for the credentials
  • You will be sent a link for the download.