Computer Vision

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Image and signal processing techniques are applied in many and heterogeneous application fields and, in particular, Earth Observation and Retail environments. Main research issues in Geomatic applications, based on automatic processing and interpretation of images, originally derived from satellites and more recently from UAVs equipped with multi/hyper-spectral cameras, are building detection, GIS-ready automatic mapping of Land Use and Land Coverand Precision Farming. In the retail sector (retail technologies and systems), in addition to other technologies such as beacon BLE and IoT for data acquisition or RTLS RFID and UWB systems for the localization of objects/persons, RGB-D sensors have been adopted for the recognition of activities and customer profiling through the use of Human Behavior Analysis techniques for the analysis of both person-shelf and person-shop interactions. 

Contact Person: Primo Zingaretti, Adriano Mancini

Collaborations – Research Centers: VicomTech (ES), Univ. of Lincoln (UK), GFK Verein (DE)
Collaborations – Companies: GFK, Luxottica, Fameccanica, ATS, Biesse, INIM, Videx, King Sport, MAC, Grottini Lab, MEP, Sinergia, Benelli Armi.

Projects: Industry 4.0, Retail, Geographic Information System