
KUM! Festival

PhD student Chiara Calamanti attended at KUM! FESTIVAL - Curare, Educare, Governare, (Mole Vanvitelliana di Ancona, 2017) held between the 10th and the 12th of November 2017 in the city of Ancona in Italy. 
The event was dedicated to the "care", in particular, one session "KUM LAB" was reserved to the most innovative research in the field of health and well-being, that are developing in the region of Marche, regards access to the European Regional Development Fund (Por Fesr 2014-2020). 
In this competition, eight projects were compared and Chiara Calamanti presented the IOT (Intelligent Oncology Telecare). The IOT project develops an integrated system for managing oncology patients through innovative telecare devices that over and above current telemedicine standards, proposes a new and efficient home-based management system for the oncologist and the use of advanced data analysis systems.  This project wishes to be an innovative service solution and model for improving the quality of care services.

IML2017 @ Liverpool

The PhD student Annalisa Cenci attended the International Conference on Internet of Things and Machine Learning (IML 2017) held between the 17th and the 18th of October 2017 in the city of Liverpool in the United Kingdom.

She presented the paper: Cenci A., Liciotti D., Frontoni E., Zingaretti P. and Carnielli V. P. “Movements Analysis of Preterm Infants by Using Depth Sensor”.

Through its technical program, the IML 2017 Conference aims to provide an outstanding opportunity for both academic and industrial communities alike to address new trends and challenges, emerging technologies and progress in standards on topics relevant to today’s fast-moving areas of Internet of Things and Machine Learning. This conference will discuss new results in the fields of Internet of things and machine learning.

#SHARPER European Researchers' Night

On 29th September 2017, VRAI team attended the SHARPER European Researchers’ Night. This event brought the general public and the world of research together in a party with entertainment mixing into communication to create activities focused on science, innovation, technology and general passion for research.

It hosted a number of shows, meetings and science cafes, performances between art and science, role games and friendly meetings animated by researchers and communication experts.

During the event PhD student Rama Pollini presented an Augmented Reality application designed for Smart Glasses, with the aim of helping operators for their working activities, and PhD student Annalisa Cenci presented an app that, through the most modern techniques of IOT and through RFID and beacons sensors, exchanges information with an intelligent shoe (number, model, colour, shoe availability in store, discounts and promotions).

Industria Marchigiana 4.0: Testimonianze d'impresa

Il 25 settembre alla Mole Vanvitelliana di Ancona si è svolta una anteprima del Forum Meccatronica (in programma il 26 settembre). E' stata l’occasione per confrontarsi con interlocutori nazionali ed internazionali sullo stato dell’arte e l’evoluzione degli scenari dell’Industry 4.0 delle piccole e medie imprese manifatturiere marchigiane. Sono state presentate le esperienze di importanti realtà produttive del territorio: Benelli, Boxmarche Cobit, Doucal’s, Enke, Grottini, Paradisi, Pieretti, Valetenna, Semar e T-Trade. E sono stati raccontati i primi passi compiuti dalle aziende verso l’Industry 4.0,  i primi risultati ottenuti e infine gli sguardi verso il futuro attraverso le collaborazioni con l’Università Politecnica delle Marche e le altre realtà tecnologiche locali e internazionali. Spazio poi alla discussione sul prossimo bando regionale sull’industria 4.0,  per conoscere e confrontare esperienze locali e internazionali.  A dialogare con le imprese del territorio sarono state infatti le principali aziende tecnologiche europee: B&R Automazione Industriale, Balluff Automation, Bechkoff Automation, Bonfiglioli, Datalogic, ESA Automation, Hilscher, Lenze Italia, Mitsubishi Electric Europe, Omron Electronics, Phoenix Contact, Rittal, Schneider Electric, Sew-Eurodrive, Sick, Siemens, Team3D.  Ha moderato l’incontro Franco Canna,  Direttore di Innovation Post. Le stesse aziende tecnologiche sono poi le protagoniste del Forum Meccatronica (info su all’interno di 3 sessioni parallele dedicate alle tecnologie abilitanti per la digitalizzazione 4.0 dell’industria.  Due giorni intensi in cui le Marche saranno al centro delle riflessioni sullo sviluppo dell’industria manifatturiera nazionale.

SFBE 2017 Summer School @ Davos

Ph.D. student Chiara Calamanti attended at SFBE 2017, Summer School on “Shaping the future of bioengineering” in Davos, (Switzerland) from 10-16 September 2017.

This international Summer School is organized by the Institute of Bioengineering (IBI) of EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne) affiliated to ETH Zurich.

The topics of this Summer School are: Technologies for biomedical application, Synthetic and Systems Biology, Tissue Bioengineering, focusing mainly on innovations in these fields.

ICIAP2017 @ Catania

Prof. Primo Zingaretti attended at ICIAP 2017, the 19th edition of a series of conferences organized biennially by the Italian Member Society (GIRPR) of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). He has presented the following papers:

  • Paolanti, M., Kaiser, C., Schallner, R., Frontoni, E., and Zingaretti, P., "Visual and Textual Sentiment Analysis of brand-related social media pictures using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks";
  • Liciotti, D., Paolanti, M., Frontoni, E., and Zingaretti, P., "People Detection and Tracking from an RGB-D Camera in Top-View Conguration: Review of Challenges and Applications".

The conference covers both classic and most recent trends in computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing, addressing both theoretical and applicative aspects, with particular emphasis (but not limited) to the following topics: Video Analysis & Understanding, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Multiview Geometry and 3D Computer Vision, Image Analysis, Detection and Recognition, Multimedia, Biomedical and Assistive Technology, Information Forensics and Security, Imaging for Cultural Heritage and Archaeology.

ICCE2017 @ Berlin

PhD student Rama Pollini attended at the 7TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS in Berlin, last September 3-6, 2017. He has presented the following papers:

  • Frontoni, E., Liciotti, D., Paolanti, M., Pollini, R., and Zingaretti, P.,  "Design of an Interoperable Framework with Domotic Sensors Network Integration";
  • Ciabattoni, L., Frontoni, E.,  Liciotti, D., Paolanti, M. and Romeo, L.,  "A Sensor Fusion Approach for Measuring Emotional Customer Experience in an Intelligent Retail Environment".

Here you can read an article about his experience in Berlin, in particular the best news from the IFA (consumer electronic fair)


ECMR2017 @ Paris

Prof. Emanuele Frontoni, Prof. Primo Zingaretti and Marina Paolanti attended at the European Conference on mobile Robotics in Paris, last September 6-8, 2017. They have presented the following papers:

  • Paolanti, M., Sturari, M., Mancini, A., Zingaretti, P., and Frontoni, E., "Mobile Robot for Retail Surveying and Inventory Using Visual and Textual Analysis of monocular pictures based on Deep Learning";
  • Sturari, M., Paolanti, M., Mancini, A., Frontoni, E., and Zingaretti, P., "Robotic Platform for Deep Change Detection for Rail Safety and Security".

ECMR2017 was organized by ENSTA ParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, France. The General Chair was Adriana Tapus (ENSTA ParisTech, France) and the Program Chair was Emanuele Frontoni (Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italia). 


MESA 2017 @ Cleveland

Prof. Emanuele Frontoni, Prof. Primo Zingaretti and Dr. Adriano Mancini attended at ASME IEEE Mesa 2017 - 13th ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic & Embedded Systems & Applications in Cleveland, Ohio - US last August 6-9, 2017. They have presented the following papers:

  • Calamanti, C., Cenci, A., Bernardini, M., Frontoni, E., Zingaretti, P. "A Clinical Decision Support system for chronic venous insufficiency";
  • Contigiani, M., Pollini, R., Sturari, M., Mancini, A., Frontoni, E. "An IoT architecture for data processing collected by a central vacuum cleaner";
  • Sturari, M., Esposto, L., Spurio, C., Tigano, D., Mancini, A., Zingaretti, P. "Vehicle tracking and classification from videos under illumination changes and occlusions".

In particular, the paper Contigiani, M., Pollini, R., Sturari, M., Mancini, A., Frontoni, E. "An IoT architecture for data processing collected by a central vacuum cleaner" won the Best Paper award.

Doucal's 4.0

Digitalizzare le abilità manuali dell'artigiano calzaturiero per agevolare la formazione dei neoassunti. Ridurre gli errori, ottimizzare la produzione e tramandare la tradizione e le competenze del distretto calzaturiero fermano. Questi gli obiettivi del progetto Doucal's 4.0 promosso dal calzaturificio dei fratelli Giannini in condivisione con due dipartimenti dell'Università Politecnica delle Marche: Ingegneria dell'Informazione, attraverso la collaborazione di Emanuele Frontoni, e Management con il responsabile dell'intero progetto, Mario Pepe.  

Il progetto funziona così: gli artigiani addetti a taglio, giunteria e montaggio in forza al calzaturificio di Montegranaro inforcano un paio di occhiali dotati di microcamera che riprende le loro azioni in tempo reale. I filmati arrivano a un computer che esamina ogni singolo fotogramma, analizza la ripetitività delle operazioni e, quindi, la standardizzazione del processo produttivo. Le riprese vengono effettuate su postazioni di lavoro anonime e suddivise in base sia al modello di calzatura e sia alla specifica lavorazione.

Gli utilizzi di questa banca dati video sono molteplici. Il filmato della corretta lavorazione può essere visionato da chi si accinge per la prima volta a realizzare quella lavorazione per quel modello di scarpa, riducendo i tempi di formazione oppure per evidenziare gli errori più frequenti ed eliminarli, riducendo la percentuale dei difetti o, ancora, per ottimizzare la produzione.

Articolo tratto da "La Conceria"
